The biggest burgers in town! Riker ate the whole thing + all his fries!

The National Archives

Asbury United Methodist Church, the oldest African American Church in D.C.
Located on 11th & K streets, you can read about them at www.asburyumcdc.org
This morning, the group got up at, well I'm not really sure, but we met for breakfast at 8:30. we ate breakfast at the hotel; the buffet is on the top level of the hotel, floor # 8. from the top floor, we could see the Washington monument, along with other important buildings. after we ate, we headed for the metro station, were we took several different trains to get out at the metro station. then we walked to the Asbury church. the people there were extremely friendly, and very nice. (((Susye said that it was one of the friendliest church she'd ever walked into, and she'd been in a lot of churches.)))the service lasted 2 hours and 20 minutes. there was a guest speaker, Daryl Williams. the sermon was "Whose Your Daddy?" and what's even cooler, is that the church has a web site (((http://www.asburyumcdc.org/))) so if you would like to know more about the church, you can. after church, we went to the national archives. (((transportation? metro...))) then we split up into smaller groups. my group, went to see the movie first, it lasted about 11 minutes, just a review of everything there, and what it was useful for. Kendra also wanted to sit in the A.C. while cooling down, (((it was about 85 degrees, and it was sunny, nicer then we expected...))) then we saw the exhibits, including the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and the Constitution, along with many other important documents. for dinner, (((after going on many more metros...))) we ate at the cheesecake factory. it was good. yum! then we had cheesecake back at the hotel. then we had a meeting and made our sandwiches for lunch tomorrow. Raymond talked about the difference between serving like Martha, and like Mary. we decided that last year's trip was a Martha trip, and this year is a Mary trip. now we are done, i am blogging, and i'm really tired.
I'm Maddie Bell, i am 14. and the best part of the day was meeting some homeless people, and the way the church respected and loved them. also the way that they were treated no differently then anyone else. i really witnessed how the church loves their neighbors. talk to you tomorrow, or write...
Tell Kendra her brother James says Happy Father's Day!
hey guyssss! its kaylaa im in the room loooooking at our blog! its pretty amazingggg! =]]
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