New Friends from the Coalition on Homelessness

Bag Lunches in the yard at the United Methodist Building

Joining in Silent Prayer for unborn children facing the Supreme Court

Hearing stories of poverty and hope

Students joining in prayer for unborn children

Lunch Time

Facing the Supreme Court
These are some pictures from magg's blog yesterday, make sure to scroll down and check the rest of the blogs
Looks like you guys are having a great time. Hope no one gets chiggers. Julia went to the Library of Congress too. The murals there are amazing and pretty. :) Whatever you do, though, don't eat at outside McDonald restaurants...
There are a lot of people living in poverty in Stone County. Some are on disability or are elderly. They only receive $600-$800 a month and have to pay rent, electric, food, etc. Some people are in poverty because their parents were and they don't know any other way to live but survival for the day.
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