Hey this is Savannah and Audrey, and we represent the high school girls room. Today we are going to talk about Advocacy and bread for the world. The lady that came to talk to us, her name was Sarah Bareis. One of the exercises that we did was to connect a web that intertwined the different kinds of advocacy. Like Racial, Fair Trade, Hunger, HIV/Aids and others. But that was after lunch. Before lunch, we met John Hill, who is the United Methodist Environmental and Economic Justice Director (as you probably know from the picture). He was pretty cool, we talked about alternatives to fuel and how the environment relates to poverty. A self-proclaimed nerd, he prepared us for our Congressional visit with Senator Claire McCaskill (D) tomorrow by suggesting questions we might ask her about the environment and the stability of our economy. Oh, forgot to tell you, we're meeting with Senator McCaskill tomorrow. We prepared for the visit for, like, two whole hours! That's the last thing we did before saying good-bye to Jamie and Susan, our incredible seminar staff. Also, as a little surprise, Carol Kreamer stopped by to visit and say "hi" this morning. She encouraged us in our poverty work, and told us about the "offering of letters" that our conference presented to Congress about the Global Poverty Act.
One of the highlights of our day, was when we came back to the hotel for chicken putanesca and potato wedges, with a side of the most delicious green beans this side of the Mississippi. Then, to top things off, my mom (Amy, Audrey's mom) was surfing through the channels on the TV and we happened to come across Mr. and Mrs. Smith. We watched it all through dinner, and then came to our room and watched it as well. It's a pretty good movie, especially 'cause it's edited on TV. It's been a pretty good day, and we finally ended it with Starbucks and Barnes and Noble. Lovely, eh?
One of the highlights of our day, was when we came back to the hotel for chicken putanesca and potato wedges, with a side of the most delicious green beans this side of the Mississippi. Then, to top things off, my mom (Amy, Audrey's mom) was surfing through the channels on the TV and we happened to come across Mr. and Mrs. Smith. We watched it all through dinner, and then came to our room and watched it as well. It's a pretty good movie, especially 'cause it's edited on TV. It's been a pretty good day, and we finally ended it with Starbucks and Barnes and Noble. Lovely, eh?
Hey guys, it sure is fun following your expoits. Love the pictures!! Hey Garret and Raymond, how long did it take you to get in and out of the frig? And how long did it take you to be able to stand up straight after you got out?
Sounds like your having a lot of fun and learning a lot. I'm really curious to hear about your visit the Senator.
Know that we pray for you daily. I hope that this experience is one you'll bring home and share with the rest of us so we all benefit from your adventure. So.....listen up and learn a lot!!
God Bless
Nancy White
Thanks for all the updates! It has been fun to read -- and lots of folks in the church are reading as well.
You were in my prayers this morning as you were meeting with Senator McCaskill.
Sounds like you all are learning lots - hope you had a great day with the Senator today. Did you lobby her? Then YOU are all lobbyists!
The pics are great - can't wait to hear your stories at the Stock Holder's Dinner - you DID say you were going to feed all of us who stayed home??? right?
Enjoy tomorrow. Blessings. Sue
would anyone be interested in reporting on your trip for the local newspaper when you return. If everyone spoke of different points we could learn a lot from each of you. db
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